Howard Stern Early Show

If you know who Howard Stern is you know he isn’t ready for prime time, let alone as the host of the popular TV show American Idol. But guess what, he may just be replacing Simon Cowell. While the ninja can see this, both Cowell and Stern have a way with words, still it may be a trade off CBS isn’t able to handle. Especially if they were to put him in the Morning Show. As we have come to expect from Howard Stern he is adding fuel to the fire with by insulting everyone connected to the “karaoke show” as he calls it. The main targets of Howard’s tongue are Simon, Ellen and Ryan Seacrest. The most resistance is coming from Ellen, who feels his “being considered” to replace Simon as a judge is a poor choice. Actually, it is much more than that. “Ellen is not in favor” of im joining the show at all. But does she really have that much to say? Ellen DeGeneres is making her American Idol debut tonight, which means if Howard Stern takes the role on the early show she won’t have much more seniority. Apparently Ellen is taking the show more seriously than either the current loud mouth host and his possible replacement Howard Stern. She is a very organized person, and with the large amount of hosting duties she has on her plate things had to be moved around. When she got to the Hollywood set for the first day’s filming she was left waiting. Simon was nowhere to be seen and he eventually came in late. Will Howard do any better, probably not but the outcome would probably be much different. So we can be sure than at least one person out there doesn’t want Howard Stern to jump into prime time TV and take on the role of judge. What do you think? The ninja doesn’t really care, he doesn’t watch the show and whoever takes the vacancy is fairly irelavent. The only reason people watch the show is to enjoy some really bad singing.
Lusk, Wyoming

Lusk Definition

Lusk, Wyoming

Lusk, read more to find out what it means

Here is a word that the ninja wasn’t familiar with. Lusk. The expression really is true that you learn something new ever day. And today that something new is the definition of lusk. Lusk basically refers to somebody that is lazy. As in lazy or slothful. But is can also be used as a noun, as in a lazy person, a lubber. In any event it has to do with somebody that is idle and not currently working. And both you and the ninja know people like that. Sadly enough it really isn’t that widely known, and if you were to use the word it would go over most people’s heads. The ninja also thought that it was funny, and worth mentioning that it is the name of a town in the U.S. and a County around Dublin, Ireland. No doubt the reason they were named that is because it was the home of some idle Lusk. And now you know the definition of Lusk. Have fun with it!

Chrysalis Awards

Do you know a business in your area that does a lot for the community? The ninja knows a couple in his and he is thinking about nominating them for the Chrysalis Awards. If you haven’t heard of the Chrysalis Awards before let the ninja explain. The awards were created to honor the people and businesses that have had a positive impact on your local community. They were created as a joint project between the Greater Fort Myers Chamber of Commerce Inc. and the Lee County Visitor & Convention Bureau. Wow, that is a mouth full. Let’s just call them VCB from here on out. What they do is collect nominations from people all across the country who have contributed in remodeling projects. And they are on the look out for people in your area. All nominations for the Chrysalis Awards are due in on March 12th. All memebers of the local business community are welcomed to partisipate regardless if they are directly linked to tourism or not. You can visit the official website to learn more about the event and see where it is being held in your state. Visit Chrysalis Awards.

Diablo Trilogy (Screenshots)

When Diablo came out it revolutionized action RPGs. When Diablo 2 game out it revolutionized Diablo. Now the series is set to become and trilogy, and Diablo 3 is on the horizon. Will the third instalment of the popular franchise be a success, judging from the screenshots alone it will be a huge hit with fans. If the original play mechanics have been preserved, and not stripped out (more on that in a moment) it is almost money in he Blizzard bank. But early rumors hinted that the health belt has been removed, taking an exciting element out of the game that made gameplay so enjoyable. Before we jump directly into the screenshoots from Diablo 3, no matter how drool worthy they are let’s look at some classics. Diablo and its expansion (Hellfire) were very revolutionary for the time. The graphics were pre-rendered and looked great. The storyline was exciting and it kept the game moving. While the Hellfire Diablo expansion wasn’t actually handled by Blizzard it took the game’s graphics to another level. And when you see screenshots of it you can tell it help shape the sequel. Diablo 2 came out and blew players away. The graphics were light-years ahead of the first game and the gameplay had been refined. Hacking your way through dungeons, swamps, deserts and hellish realms took on a new life that would influence many action RPGs to come. Now, ten years after its release (with plenty of active players) Blizzard is about to do it again. Will Diablo 3 be just as revolutionary? Or will it leave fans disappointed? With WoW Blizzard has a cash cow they can milk (and have for many years, already) do they still need the Diablo series? The answer is yes, and with as much work as they’ve put into the game it should be an enjoyable romp through whatever twisted world they throw at us. The ninja is looking forward to it, and even with the various rumors that have been flowing around about the game he is going to wait until it is released to cast his judgement. Now, if Blizzard would ever release that other game they have been sitting on forever (he doubts that it will come out in 4Q 2010) the ninja would be truly happy. Diablo Screenshots Diablo 3 Trailer